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About Me
My name is Gleb. I was born, raised, and still live in Moscow. To be precise, I’m Gleb Yuryevich. The pseudonym Mic Kedi appeared back in 2018 at some party—if my memory serves me right. I immediately liked that, both then and now, an internet search brings up almost nothing under this name, except for a few pages. That makes it somewhat unique. It doesn’t mean anything by itself—just a well-sounding, fictional name and surname.

I’ve loved photography and holding a camera in my hands since childhood. In 2021, my friend and I created a shared photo album in iCloud, where we uploaded various street photos taken with our phones. Maybe that’s where it all began.

A year later, I saw an old Zenit-11 at my friend’s place, and I was in complete awe. A camera that works without batteries? A camera that isn’t afraid of rain? A device that would probably leave a bruise before breaking, since it’s almost entirely made of metal? And all of this—technology from the last century, made in the Soviet Union. These thoughts literally blew my mind.

At some point, a trip to St. Petersburg was coming up, and I decided to borrow the camera. I walked around with a serious expression, taking pictures while barely understanding what I was doing. But the results turned out so good that it motivated me to keep going and dive deeper into the process.

Over time, I took many great shots—which was great. I also took a lot of bad ones—which wasn’t bad either. I learned from them, remembering what worked and what definitely didn’t. Frame by frame, I refined my skills.

I’ve gone through several cameras, gained a lot of experience, and I’d say I’ve made decent progress in photography. But I’m still learning and improving my craft.

About the Website
This website serves as a portfolio, a business card, and a gallery of my work, where you can view images in their original quality by simply opening them in full size.
Each post includes a short description and my thoughts on the series of photographs presented. One post = one roll of film, except for Unpublished posts, which feature images that, for various reasons, don’t fit into a full-fledged series. These could be personal or unsuccessful shots that don’t make sense to publish publicly.
About My Work
I stick to my original concept—photos are not edited, except for minimal adjustments during scanning in a photo lab and occasional cropping. Just like in traditional darkroom printing, cropping remains an available option.
All expressive, atmospheric, and aesthetically pleasing tones in my images are achieved through proper film development, correct exposure settings, the film’s own color rendering, and the scanning process—not through retouching or color grading.
Thank You
I truly appreciate everyone who took the time to read this to the end. I’m happy to welcome you here!
All my contact information is at the top of this page. Feel free to reach out if you’d like to chat or collaborate.